cFS Tutorial Stage 1: Celebrate the Launch of Artemis 1 by Building & Running NASA's cFS 7 (core Flight System) on Your Own Laptop

Demo / Tutorial: NASA's cFS (core Flight System) by David Ferreira This post is a companion to our video tutorial on YouTube. Click here to view that video as you follow the steps below. NOTE: Your background will vary according to your own configuration of VM. Steps 1. Stand Up a Target Machine If you already have a target Linux machine handy, please skip this step. If not, consider setting up a Linux VM. If you don't already have VirtualBox or some other VM management software installed, click here to install VirtualBox from Oracle . Here are two videos that will guide you through setup of either a Ubuntu Linux VM or a Raspberry Pi VM: How to Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox in Windows 10 (by ProgrammingKnowledge) Windows Hyper-V Virtual Machine Tutorial (by Kevin Stratvert) How to Install Raspberry Pi OS on VirtualBox (by SysDrive) NOTE: Special steps are required to make this process work on Rasp...