Fourier Hobbyist, Episode 1: Multi-Mode Robot from RC 4x4

by David Ferreira Espisode 1: Multi-Mode Robot from RC 4x4 This post accompanies this Fourier Automation video . Project Description: This playlist will walk the viewer through an intermediate / advanced home hobbyist robotics project. This project will be free-form and enthusiastic beginners may also enjoy it. We will convert a large, inexpensive RC 4x4 vehicle to a multi-modal autonomous rover. Note: Our robot won't have any actual RC capabilities after the first stages -- it will be better and more exciting than that. We will use the term "pseudo-RC" to refer to this style of control where user input will be intercepted and interpreted by the microcontroller before being transmitted to the motors / servos. Here are the features we will build into our robot: IR Proximity Sensors (Optional) GPS navigation Multiple modes Idle Mode: Steering tests (pseudo-remote control) Pseudo-Remote Control Mode: RC Transmitter communicates with microprocessor and microprocessor interp...